MISFIT - Chapter 2

MISFIT - Chapter 2

Do you remember when I wrote that article where I called myself a misfit, and most people seemed to like it? Well, there was just one catch - some found it too pessimistic. They said it painted a pretty bleak picture of what I was going through. But you know, I didn't aim for a rosy picture. My intention was to give readers an honest glimpse into what being a misfit truly means, and that's exactly what I did.

But here I am again, in Chapter 2 of the same article, still feeling like a misfit in this world. Despite my efforts to inject some positivity into my writing, I couldn't shake off the feeling. Trying to fit into society has been a constant struggle for me, and honestly, I'm not sure why. While some people seem to effortlessly navigate life's highs and lows, I find myself constantly at odds with it all.

What do I want from life, you ask? It's not fame, money, or recognition. All I crave is contentment - something that seems to elude me no matter how hard I try. I wish people could understand me for who I am, rather than constantly trying to mold me into their idea of normalcy. But it seems like everyone has this fixed notion of how things should be.

And then there's the question that haunts me every day - what happens to people like me? We can't just end it all, can we? Suicide isn't an option, at least not for me. So how do we cope? Every day feels like a battle, a struggle to find meaning amidst the chaos. And it's not just the internal turmoil that weighs me down; seeing the disappointment in the eyes of those who care for me is its own kind of torture.

I wish people could see beyond the facade of optimism I sometimes put up. It's not that I'm trying to deceive anyone; it's just my way of trying to keep everyone else happy. But deep down, the pain persists, gnawing away at my soul.

I don't want pity or condemnation. All I want is acceptance - to be seen and loved for who I am. But in a world that's always in a hurry, who has the time to truly understand another person's struggles?

Maybe one day, someone will. Maybe one day, I'll find the courage to be truly myself, even if it means standing alone. Until then, I'll keep hoping, keep dreaming, and keep searching for that elusive sense of belonging.


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